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Slim Pluss is an effective weight loss product. Green tea extract activates metabolism and reduces appetite. In addition, green tea extract improves intestinal function. Green tea extract gives energy and improves overall health.
Artichoke extract boosts metabolism and vitamin C restores energy reserves in the body.
Slim Pluss is a very effective tool for weight loss and weight retention. Slim Pluss allows you to lose weight without feeling tired or losing energy.

-helps to reduce and maintain body weight
-Creates a feeling of satiety
-Accelerates the elimination of fat from the body
-accelerates metabolism

Recommended daily intake and instructions for use
2-3 tablets a day, wash down with water. It is recommended to take a tablet 30 minutes before a meal in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.

The content of active components in the daily dosage
Daily dose contains: mg/in 2 tablets %NRV* mg/in 3 tablets %NRV*
Green tea extract 320 mg – 480 mg –
Yerba mate tea extract 200 mg – 300 mg –
Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid)40 mg 50 60 mg 75
Asparagus extract, equivalent to 23 mg – 34.5 mg –
Artichoke extract, equivalent to 16 mg – 24 mg –
* daily comparative doses for adults


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