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BODYDRAIN – HELPING YOUR BODY. If you want to enjoy your beautiful figure – first try to cleanse your body!

WHY DO I NEED TO CLEANSE MY BODY? As a result of natural metabolic processes in the body, various substances unnecessary for the body are formed – toxins, slags, excess fluids. Our body must daily eliminate 2 kilograms of unnecessary substances, which are processed in the liver and removed from the body through the kidneys, skin and intestines.
When the natural functions of the kidneys, skin and digestive system slow down, it becomes very difficult to get rid of a few pounds, even by dieting or starving.

Recommended daily intake and instructions for use
2 tablets a day during breakfast with a glass of water. For the first two weeks, we recommend taking 2 tablets three times a day. Drink more water: 1-2 liters per day.


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